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click on new registration and fill up the registration form with your details. Once you submit this form, email will be generated to you with your username and password and then you can easily get started.s


Upon signing in with your username and password, you can see various menus such as my demand, add certified/non certified demand, search demand, latest demand, add stock, my stock, search stock, latest stock, save demand notification, demand notification, notification & news are as follows;

My demand option is used for?

My demand option is used for deleting, editing and reposting demands.
- by clicking on delete one can delete his single demand.
- by clicking on delete all one can delete all his demands.
- multiple demands wont be deleted at a time. Either you can delete all your demands or a single demand.
- by clicking on repost one can either repost/edit his demand.

Add certified demand option is used for?

Add certified demand option is used for adding certified demands.

Add non certified demand option is used for?

Add non certified demand option is used for adding non certified demands.

Search demand option is used for?

Search demand option is used for searching required demand.

Latest demand option is used for?

Latest demand option is used for viewing latest demands as well as all demands uploaded on portal.

Add stock option is used for?

Add stock option is used for adding your certified/non-certified stocks.

My stock option is used for?

my stock option is used for deleting, editing and reposting demands.
-by clicking on delete one can delete his single stock.
-by clicking on delete all one can delete all his stock.
-multiple stock wont be deleted at a time. Either you can delete all your stock or a single stock.
-by clicking on repost one can either repost/edit his stock.

Search stock option is used for?

Search stock option is used for searching the stock one requires.

Latest stock option is used for?

Latest stock option is used for viewing latest stock as well as all stock uploaded on the portal.

Import stock data option is used for?

Import stock data option is used for uploading multiple stock at a single time.

Save demand notification option is used for?

Save demand notification option is used for saving the stock and then you get the pop-up in demand notification if your demand matches the stock.

Demand notification option is used for?

Demand notification option is used for showing the pop-ups of saved stock in save demand notification.

Notification option is used for?

Notification option is used for showing other requirements connected to the market.

News option is used for?

News option is used for getting the latest update of diamond market.

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Start exploring diamond market with our app Now

  •    Time saver
  •    Self-dependence
  •    Product Awareness.
  •    World Wide Access
  •    Safety of Malpractice.
  •    Best Networking deals
  •    24*7 Trade.
  •    Convenient Platform.
  •    In-calculable Turn-over.
  •    Market Trending Demands.
  •    Multiple choices for demands and stocks
  •    Easy way to get reference of the company.
  •    Building direct contact between buyer and seller
  •    Hassle free marketing for your demands and stocks
